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Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Schritte zur Abrüstung - Deutschland - Steps towards Disarmament

Schritte zur Abrüstung

Krieg ist wieder Mittel der Politik. Krieg ist aber die falsche Antwort auf Terrorismus und andere Bedrohungen. Militär löst keine Probleme. Notwendig ist die Bearbeitung und Lösung von Konflikten mit gewaltfreien und zivilen Mitteln. Daher fordern wir Schritte zur Abrüstung:

Keine Auslandseinsätze der Bundeswehr
Eine deutliche Verkleinerung der Bundeswehr und die Abschaffung der Wehrpflicht
Abzug aller Atomwaffen aus der BRD
Kürzung der Rüstungsausgaben um mindestens 5 Prozent jährlich
Stopp aller Rüstungsexporte
Förderung ziviler Konfliktbearbeitung und der Friedensforschung mit 500 Mio. Euro jährlich.

on-line Unterstützung

Appeal „Steps towards Disarmament“

Once again war has become a means of politics. But war is the wrong answer to
terrorism and other threats. The military doesn’t solve problems. What is necessary is
working on conflicts and solving them by non-violent and civilian means.
We therefore demand that the following steps towards disarmament are to be taken:
- No missions of the German armed forces (Bundeswehr) abroad
- A significant reduction of the Bundeswehr (especially the special forces
“Kommando Spezialkräfte”) and the abolishment of conscription
- Withdrawal of all nuclear weapons from German territory
- Reduction of military expenditures by at least 5 per cent yearly
- Stop of all military exports
- 500 million Euro per year for working on conflicts with civilian means (zivile
Konfliktbearbeitung) and for peace research.
This appeal for which signatures are collected is one major tool of our campaign
„Steps towards Disarmament“. We believe that a majority of the German people want
disarmament and a meaningful peace policy. But in our opinion it’s not sufficient to
protest and oppose when war is already going on. It‘s necessary that opposition and
movements against war develop into movements for peace, disarmament and a
security policy based on non-military means. To ban war morally and to document
the terrible consequences of military fighting is important. But in our view it’s not
sufficient. The peace movement should challenge fundamentally all military means
and develop non-military and civilian perspectives for preventing and solving
Our campaign „Steps towards Disarmament“ has a time frame of some years. A lot of
different forms of activities (street actions, e-mail messages to politicians, mass
postcard mailings to the government, signatures for our appeal etc.) will be used.
This fall postcards directed at the German chancellor and demanding a reduction of
military expenditures by 5 percent a year are attached to many papers and journals.
For next summer a bicycle tour is planned which will make visible to the public
important military institutions and companies producing weapons in Southern
Germany and highlight their role.
The German Peace Society-United War Resisters (DFG-VK) is a pacifist organization
which works for total disarmament and the abolishment of the causes of war. By our
campaign „Steps towards Disarmament“ we intend to stimulate people to think
beyond the narrow frame of protesting ongoing wars. Our final goal is total and
universal disarmament which means the dissolution of the German army too.

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