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Thursday, November 11, 2004

ARP - Ammonia Recovery Process - ThermoEnergy, Wastewater Treatment

ThermoEnergy, Wastewater Treatment

ARP Process Description
cited from website

The ammonia laden solution is first pumped to ammonia adsorption columns where the ammonia is "pulled" from the water by specially prepared ion exchange resins loaded in the columns. A solution of zinc sulfate and sulfuric acid regenerates the ion exchange columns, flushing the regeneration solution to an evaporator where it is concentrated to approximately 60,000 parts per million (ppm). This concentration is then cooled until zinc ammonium crystals form. These crystals are then collected and roasted to drive off the ammonia, which is captured in a packed bed sulfuric acid scrubber where ammonium sulfate forms. The recovered ammonium sulfate crystals are dried, bagged and shipped to wholesale markets worldwide. Ammonium phosphate can be made by altering the type of acid used in the front end of the regenerating process.

1 comment:

T. Sobisch said...

An alternative process was developed and successfully pilot tested by 'Fraunhofer-Institut für Grenzflächen- und Bioverfahrenstechnik' IGB in Stuttgart / Germany for a combined treatment of anaerobically digested sewage sludge after microfiltration (http://www.igb.fraunhofer.de/WWW/Presse/Jahr/2004/dt/PI_Pilotanlage_HD.html).
Ammonia from the filtrate is concentrated by stripping