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Thursday, August 19, 2004

Sediment, a valuable resource that needs Europe's attention

SedNet brochure:

"Sediment in our rivers is the habitat as well as the nutrient source for aquatic organisms. Sediment is also used as farmland and as a source of minerals and materials. Several European policies provide a basis to protect and manage this valuable natural resource. However, these policies only fragmentary and indirectly address sediment. Effective protection and proper management deserves a more focused attention."
This is the introduction from the SedNet brochure "Sediment, a valuable resource that needs Europe's attention". The brochure gives clear answers to the questions: what is sediment? why is it valuable? why take care of it? why is it a concern of Europe? what are the challenges? and what can Europe do? The brochure is now available through the SedNet website at: http://www.sednet.org/newsitem.asp?ni=106 . Please forward this message to anybody who might be interested in it.

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